Australian SPF breeding lines recovery from WSSV outbreak

Supported by Genics Shrimp MultiPath and Shrimp ID technologies, Dr Melony Sellars works with Alistair Dick from Gold Coast Marine Aquaculture (GCMA) to select high performance pathogen free broodstock lines.

Since the White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) devastation in 2016, GCMA has re-built their high performance breeding stock lines demonstrating 20 years of breeding experience and industry leadership.

Genics and FRDC join in wide scale WSSV testing research project

FRDC CEO Dr Patrick Hone and Genics CEO Dr Melony Sellars celebrating the successful commencement of a collaborative research project on the capability to conduct wide scale WSSV testing on Shrimp Multipath.

Conducted with CSIRO AAHL, the project will test a large number of Shrimp samples from a broad geographical area on both Shrimp MultiPath and traditional PCR platforms. The results will be published to industry later this year.

Visit Genics at the APFA Annual Symposium in Brisbane 29th-31st July

The Genics team is a proud sponsor of the Australian Prawn Farmers Association Annual Symposium in Brisbane 29th-31st July 2019. The Australian industry utilises world leading research to deliver high quality and high value product.

With many producers already using our Shrimp MultiPath, catch us at the Symposium to discuss how we can help you screen for 13 commercially relevant pathogens.

Register for the symposium here.

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